Lecture Notes on Disordered Materials
- Lecture 1 Disordered materials:
An introduction (by Partha Biswas)
- Lecture 2 Structural optimization of disordered materials (ppt, pdf) (by Raymond Atta-Fynn)
- Lecture 3 An introduction to Linux
for scientific computing (by Sung Lee)
- Lecture 4 Structural and electronic
properties of disordered solids (by David Drabold)
- Lecture 5 Introduction to Monte Carlo methods
(by Partha Biswas)
- Lecture 6 Inverse and hybrid approaches
to disordered solids (by David Drabold)
- Lecture 7 Introduction to molecular-dynamics simulations (ppt, pdf) (by Raymond Atta-Fynn)
- Lecture 8 Ab-initio approaches to quantum-mechanical many-electron problem (by Eric Bylaska)
- Lecture 9 Density-functional theory
for disordered solids (by David Drabold)
- Lecture 10 Improving Spectroscopic Analysis using Machine Learning from Atomistic Simulations (ppt > 140 MB, pdf)(by Eric Bylaska)
- Lecture 11 Kinetic Monte Carlo and its applications to
materials development (by De Nyago Tafen)
- Lecture 12 Theory and simulation of
lattice thermal conductivity of solids (by Jianjung Dong)
- Lecture 13 Integrals, Integral equations
and Gaussian Quadrature (by Khin Maung)
- Lecture 14 Advanced modeling techniques - I (Partha Biswas)
- Lecture 15 Advanced Modeling techniques - I(ppt, pdf)(by Raymond Atta-Fynn)
- Lecture 16 Summer 2020 Projects at the USM(by Partha Biswas)
- Lecture 17 Summer 2020 Projects at the UTA (ppt, pdf)(by Raymond Atta-Fynn)