Parthapratim Biswas, Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
E-mail: Partha.Biswas AT usm.edu
Tel: 601.266.5156
Research interest
The research interest in my group is mostly concerned with the theory of disordered systems and modeling complex materials incorporating a broad range of topics from electronic structure of amorphous materials and Anderson localization in quasiperiodic and disordered systems to multi-objective optimization problems in mathematical physics. I am particularly fascinated by information-based approaches to material design and, for the past several years, have been working toward developing inverse and hybrid approaches to materials-structure determination and their applications to design complex semiconducting and metallic glasses. Other areas of my research interest include, but are not limited to, bio-inspired computation to hard optimization problems, computational geometry and its applications to disordered systems, and classical moment problems via maximum-entropy optimization.