Note: The following is a list of computer codes that were installed in the Dell workstation provided to the participants. Please contact Dr. Atta-Fynn or Prof. Biswas if you have not received these codes. Additional codes may be added as a part of post-workshop support. The links below are not functional at this time.
1. Computer Lab Session I: Linux computing (by Sung Lee)

2. Computer Lab Session II: Structural optimization (by Ray Atta-Fynn)

3. Computer Lab Session III: Inverse and hybrid modeling techniques (by Dil Limbu)

4. Computer Lab Session IV: MD and MC methods (by Ray Atta-Fynn)

5. Computer Lab Session V: DFT simulations (by Eric Bylaska, PNNL)

6. Computer Lab Session VI: Siesta methods (by Ray Atta-Fynn)

7. Computer Lab Session VII: Advanced techniques I+II (by Ray Atta-Fynn)